Next-day delivery starting from R$ 4, to many cities in Brazil, with real-time tracking.

Next-day delivery

Next-day delivery for your customers, high performance last-mile for your e-commerce.


The future of logistics is here

Through technology (mobile, AI, automation, robotics, IOT), we have created a next generation logistics network which is express, cost-efficient and reliable.
Map marker icon

Let your clients know the exact delivery time

We send an email or a text message to your clients so they can track each step of their order.

Real-time tracking
Happy client using shoes
Profit graphic

Increase your sales

Offering the best delivery experience to your customers.

Trouble receiving your delivery? We've got your back


Driver notifies via app


Your client receives an email or a text message


Your client helps the driver online


If needed, our team is also available to help

Driver notifies via app

Driver notifies via app

Your client receives an email or a text message

Your client receives an email or a text message

Your client helps the driver online

Your client helps the driver online

If needed, our team is also available to help

If needed, our team is also available to help